DragonBound > Guide > Login
🔑 Login | 🌎 ??
When you enter to DragonBound the following window will be displayed, there you can enter an existing account or create a new account. If you want to login you can enter the "Username / Email / UserID" + "Password" that you have registered, or you can click "Continue with Facebook" to use your Facebook account to play.


If you wish to register, you must enter a name and a password in the “New Account” section, here you can choose the gender of your character (Male/Female). 💡 Note: - If the name is not available it will be highlighted in red, if the name is available it will be highlighted in green.


- If you are connected only with Facebook and you want to also be able to login to the game with password directly (without Facebook) - click on the "Reset password?" and put your Facebook email address. You will receive an email with a link to choose a password. - If you forgot your password - click on the "Reset password?" link and put the email of your DragonBound account. You will receive an email with a link to choose a new password.


If your account has no email, you should add an email to it to secure and protect it against unauthorized access, being stolen, or being lost for a forgotten password. Add an email in the Account Settings -> Change Email. 👆 This is not needed if your DragonBound account is linked with Facebook, you can always login with your Facebook to your DragonBound account. However, you should protect your Facebook account with 2-Factor-Authentication against hackers! If you want to change the registered email of your DragonBound account: * If your DragonBound account is not linked with Facebook - Change your email in the Account Settings -> Change Email. * If your DragonBound account is linked with Facebook - Change email on your Facebook and connect with Facebook to the game, it should update your game account to the new email address of your Facebook.

Account Settings

If you want to configure the privacy of your account, you can do it in the Account Settings. In the settings you can configure: * Wall Privacy * Country Privacy * Profile picture * Background of the wall Also, you can change your password in the Change Password option. Change your Email in the Change Email option. Change your gender in the Change Gender option. Unban users from your wall.