DragonBound > Guide > Servers
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Once you have logged in, select a server to continue. Check out bellow to get more information about each server:

Servers by Ranks

These servers have limited access, you need to be a specific rank in order to enter to one of them. Server 1 – High Ranks: You can enter only if the account is between the ranks Golden Axe – Silver Dragon . Server 2 – Mid Ranks: You can enter only if the account is between the ranks Silver Axe – Violet Wand . Server 3 – Beginners: You can enter only if the account is between the ranks Chicken – Double Metal Axe .
πŸ’‘ Tip: - If this is your first time entering the game, we recommend you to enter the Beginners server for the mini game tutorial where we will show you the controls of the game.

Open for All - Servers 4 & 5

You can enter regardless of your rank, these servers differ from the others by having the word "All" in their name, in these servers you must create a room with the game mode you want, wait for opponents to enter to play, or simply enter an existing room and have fun with people from all over the world. πŸ’‘ Note: - You can choose whether to play in MODE ON or OFF among other features of the room.

Automatic Auto Match Servers

These servers are distinguished by a purple color unlike the others, the matches are made automatic from the lobby clicking the "Start 1v1 Game" button or create a team with your friends or join a team. The opponents will be chosen automatically. You don’t need to create a room and wait for others to join. You can start games much faster this way.

Server 6 – Bunge:

You can enter regardless of your rank, but on this server the games are done on Bunge maps. The games can be done in 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 / 3 vs 3 / 4 vs 4 modes. πŸ’‘ Note: - You should keep in mind that the stats influence the games. - BUNGE, is defined as making the opponent fall from the map.

Server 7 – Avatar ON / Events:

You can enter only if your rank is at least Wood Hammer , you should keep in mind that the stats influence the games. πŸ’‘ Note: - It is recommended that you play on this server having a set with battle stats (You can use any combination of avatars you want to make your set). - Sometimes during events you might see this server with special colors, it means that there is a holiday event active there right now. During the events we have specific GMs to play with you, if you are lucky to play with this special GM, you must win in order to get a holiday rare gift (prizes are given 1 time per account). - Games on this server are only done in 1 vs 1 mode.

Server 8 – Avatar OFF:

You can enter regardless of your rank, you should keep in mind that the statistics DO NOT influence the games. πŸ’‘ Note: - Games on this server are done in 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 / 3 vs 3 / 4 vs 4 mode. - The only functional attribute on this server is "Popularity" .

Server 9 – Aduka:

You can enter regardless of your rank, you should keep in mind that the statistics DO NOT influence the games. However the only functional attribute on this server is Popularity . Also, on this server you can only play with the ADUKA mobile (it is selected automatically) and the games are done in 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 / 3 vs 3 / 4 vs 4 mode.

Prix Server

This server is used exclusively for scheduled game tournaments or commonly known as "PRIX", these tournaments have two game modes OFF or ON depending on the characteristics previously shown in the rules of the same server. πŸ’‘ Note: - The mobile used is the same for all users. - The mobile varies according to the corresponding Prix. - To enter you must have at least rank of Metal Battle Axe . - Depending on the position you obtain, you will automatically be given an exclusive prize (you must have at least 1 positive point to receive a prize if the position corresponds).